Saturday 10 April 2021

Fresh Starts

I set up this blog with the intention of keeping track of what I was making and how I was making it. I started off with such great intentions and well, life got in  the way and it sort of fell by the wayside. When 2020 came around I said to myself that this would be the year I put the effort in and kept up with my blog and well, that didn't happen either. So here I am in 2021, not making promises to myself or anyone else but making a fresh start. 

Where to start... 18 months ago we moved house so we were lucky enough to spend all these months of lockdown with so many beautiful places practically on our dooorstep. 
While the past year has been tough, at least we have been able to go for beautiful walks this whole time. It has definitely made life easier.

At the moment I'm making a shawl using a Cotton Kings Twirl I treated myself to from Hobbii yarns a few years ago. It has sat in my stash since then waiting for the perfect pattern to appear. I have a list of things people I ought to be making but at the moment I need something more repetitive so once I have the hang of the pattern I don't need to think so much. I was searching different tags on instagram and found the Kalinda Shawl on @mycrochetory's page. It's a lovely, not too difficult pattern, free on her blog. She has also designed a wrap and a baby blanket using this stitch pattern both of which I will definitely be making in the future.

It's been so much fun watching this shawl grow and seeing the gradual colour changes taking place. I'm nearly at the final colour change and I will be sorry to finish this. Though it will be a good excuse to invest in some more cake yarn.